Digital Links
Basically, these are the links that don't fit into any of the other
categories. Links are broken up into the following topics: Search engines, YtseJammers, my friends, and some miscellaneous
debris. Enjoy.
Search engines
- Alta Vista is cool
because they have a lot of stuff about me.
- Yahoo is one of the originals.
Though not strictly a search engine, their categorical search is pretty
- Webcrawler is another good
The YtseJammers are a special breed of people, like me, who subscribe to
a mailing list called The
Ytse Jam which is devoted to discussions of the progressive rock band
Dream Theater, as well as related topics like music in general and
cows(?!). But we jammers have become something of a family of late,
traveling to shows and clinics together and generally palling around and
causing trouble. While on my Dream Theater page you
can find links to other Dream Theater pages, here's a list of links to
Jammers' home pages.
- Trey
Allen is the man that made YtseCon II such
a success.
- Paul "Pellaz" Cashman has his
fingers in so many pies, I don't know how he has time to sleep!
- Jeff Chew is not only
employed by Red Sector A working on the Official Dream Theater Page, but is
also the guy that organized YtseCon III in New York.
- Pat Griffin, the man
from MO. Known by those who love him and fear him as Gabbo, this guy's
one hell of a graphic artist. Check it.
- Dave Hatlee, aka Buster,
has combined two of my favorite things - Dream Theater and Doom - into one
- Elliott Kim, aka the
infamous E-Man.
- Andrew Martin is much more
well known as The Bigman. Woof!
- Andrew Miller is a common name on the Ytsejam, but there can only be
one Subtlerage.
- I'm not even sure if Rip
Zero has a real name, but he does have a cool page.
- Ryan Skadberg, also known as
Skadz, is the guy that runs the mailing list as well as our IRC server.
- Brian Wherry
is the one we call Wacky.
- Frank "MojoMan" Benenati,
who, coincidentally, has been one of my best friends for going on 10 years
- Bob
Erickson, boss extraordinaire.
- Jim
Anderson is an EE student at UVM that used to live two offices
away from me (until I ditched :-). He's also an incredible musician.
Check his page out soon.
Miscellaneous Debris
Someday, Digital nutrition will have its own page. For now, check out the
only sustenance worth having:

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The Wide Web of Wackos
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