The Digital Man's Internet Time Killers
These ought to keep you busy for a while...
fish, a barrel, and a smoking gun, fresh every weekday. NOTICE:
The fine people at Suck have been known to, you know, use bad words here
and there. (Like the name Suck wasn't a clue.)
If you are easily offended then avoid Suck. (Come to
think of it, what the hell are you doing surfing the Web if you're easily
- Perhaps the single greatest parody of today's news publications is
The Onion. Some people have
been genuinely worried about me after witnessing the laughter that
reading The Onion causes.
- Check out The
Really Big Button That Doesn't Do Anything. The lessons you learn
might last a lifetime.
- Anagram
Insanity will create an almost infinite amount of anagrams of nearly
anything you type in. (For best results, try 16-20 letters, and create
3-5 words.)
Mirsky's Worst of the Web
Throughout his life, Mirsky has always strived for the Worst. Now that
he's on the Web, nothing has changed.
Paul's Uselss Pages are yet another great way to make your
day completely unproductive.
complete archive of David Letterman's Top Ten
Lists, as compiled by CBS.
- Somebody has finally taken time out of his or her life to produce an
entire Web page devoted to the TV show CHiPs.
Once again, the world is a happy place!
- The
Surrealism Server is, well, surreal. Check out their Surreal
Compliment Generator! (My favorite so far is "The spark of intelligence
in your blinking eyes is not unlike the glow from the teeth of an
electrocuted axe-murderess.")
- The Pez
Home Page Well, what else is there to say?
- There's no describing this
one. Just... be careful.
- You don't even have to do any work to get maximum enjoyment out of
this one. Just click...
- You can spend hours searching through all this useless
information, and never find out what the hell nougat is made of. Oh,
well. Life goes on.
- There are few things more entertaining than putting words into
other's mouths. Well, now, you can put words into others' Web pages,
using this creative
- Want to find out today's fortune?
Check it out here. And you're not stuck with those stale cookies
Finally, someone has compiled my favorite TV show theme songs!
More links are coming soon, I promise... |

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