Thanks to Buster for the new logo!
Dream Theater is the 1990s answer to progressive rock, and are the
primary band of the new prog scene to carry the torch. They take their
major influences from the likes of Rush, Yes, King
Crimson, and other prog rockers. These pages are really cool:
There are other Dream Theater pages out there, but these pages cover
just about everything, including links to the other ones.
The Dream Theater FAQ
I used to be the maintainer of the Dream Theater Frequently Asked Questions
list. I still maintain an official mirror site for the FAQ, so you
can find all you need in your mind if... uh, I mean you can find all
you need in the FAQ.
I hope that everyone enjoyed my little April Fools' Day joke for 1997, by
the way. :) If you didn't get to see the joke page, you can still have a
look at it here.
Falling Into Infinity
Dream Theater's newest effort, Falling Into Infinity,
was released in the United States on September 23, 1997. You can follow
the story of how it was recorded by reading the Falling Into Infinity Studio Log.
The Ytsejam
If you have read
the liner notes to Dream Theater's newest
release, A Change of Seasons, then you have heard of the "on-line
Ytsejammers." If you would like to subscribe to the Ytse Jam, read this
page. Many of the Ytsejammers have designed some great home pages as
well. Check them out.
There is now a second mailing list for Dream Theater. Unlike the Ytse
Jam, Metropolis will be moderated, meaning that the owner of the list
will exercise control over a lot of aspects of the list. This will
include everything from trimming signature files on posts to killing
senseless discussion threads. To subscribe to Metropolis, send mail here. The
subject should be asdf, and the main body should say
subscribe metropolis your_first_name your_last_name.
Internet Relay Chat
Many of us "on-line Ytsejammers" gather on Internet Relay Chat at night
to further discuss Dream Theater, progressive rock, politics, women,
sports, and anything else we feel like talking about. :-) To get an idea
about what it is that we do, you can visit Steve-O's
semi-official #ytsejam page and BoLo's
Other Unofficial #ytsejam page.
YtseCon II and the Home for the Holidays Tour
From Wednesday, 27 December to Saturday, 30 December, 1995, Dream Theater
presented a mini-tour they called Home for the
Holidays. Besides the great thrill of seeing one of my favorite
bands on our home turf of Long Island, the members of the Ytse Jam
Mailing List organized the second YtseConvention before the second show
of the tour. Click here if you wish to read
my take on the HftH shows, YtseCon II, and my friends on the Ytse Jam,
and to see a collection of pictures and other images from the YtseWeekend
of December, 1995.
YtseCon III
The Third YtseCon took place on Saturday, October 12th, 1996, at the
LaGuardia Marriott Hotel in New York City. Jeff Chew spent
months planning the event, and it was a great deal of fun meeting so many
Jammers from around the country, and around the world. In the near
future, I will have some cool graphics and stuff from the convention,
much like those from the second YtseCon.
The Fix for '96
In December 1996, Dream Theater played five shows in the Northeastern US,
to give us all a taste for what's going to be on the new album. In
addition to some great surprises (like "Another Hand/The Killing Hand"
and "The Ytse Jam") and some bold new arrangements (in songs like
"Learning to Live" and "A Change of Seasons"), the boys premiered five
new songs for us: "Burning My Soul," "Just Let Me Breathe," "Peruvian
Skies," "Lines In The Sand," and "Take Away My Pain." You can see a picture of Mike in action at The Chance,
Poughkeepsie, NY, on December 4th. Photo by Cris Lepurage.
Kevin Moore
Kevin Moore, the keyboard wizard that helped create Dream Theater, has
set up a web page to promote his new demo tape. Visit the web page for ChromaKey, the new
tape, recorded with Fates Warning drummer Mark Zonder.
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