Disclaimer: Most of the info found here was given to me by someone on a diskette which I looked at years later. The info here was mostly on TNMS web site. Thus when there are statements which say 'I have seen such and such' or 'I have been told such and such', the statements are not coming from me. You will notice that it stops right after the release of Counterparts. Thus, info on more recent material such as T4E, Diff Stages, The Masked Rider, South Park (O' Canada), Neil's tragedies, the T4E tour, Canadian RnR inductions ceremony and other events won't be listed here...and don't email me with questions because I won't answer them. Plenty of sites on my links page will give you the information you need regarding events from the past 5-6 years. I hope you enjoy these FAQs as much as I do: They are a real great source of info.

Thank you,
The Permanent Rush Page Webmaster (a.k.a. BinFrog)

-------- The following questions are in the FAQs... --------

FAQ 1 Contains...

*What albums have the band released? What are the catalog numbers for CD/LP/Cassette?
*Has anybody noticed that there is now a gold Ultradisc II available for _Moving Pictures_?
*Are any other Rush albums available on Ultradisc?
*What are some titles of some good Rush bootlegs, and how might I go about finding some?
*What album is <song> on?
*When was <album> released?
*How many copies did <album> sell?
*What awards has the band won?

FAQ 2 Contains...

*Has anybody ever noticed that the band has put out a live album after every 4 studio albums?
*Are any videotapes of the band available?
*Are these tapes available on laserdisc?
*What songs has the band made videos for?
*Can anyone list everything else that the members of Rush have ever appeared on?
*What was the first single released by the band?
*I just bought the CD of <Exit...Stage Left | All The World's A Stage> and it's missing a track!
Is a complete version of this CD available?
*When the band plays live, do they use any additional musicians to play backup parts?
*What is "Battlescar"/Max Webster? Who plays on it? What is the label/catalogue
number for the _Universal Juveniles_ CD? Where can I write to get it?
*Have any books been written about the band?
*I heard that Neil Peart was going to publish some of his writings. Has this been done? Can I buy this book?
*I heard something about a Rush comic book. What comic book was it?

FAQ 3 Contains...

*I've been seeing <acronym> used in TNMS. What does it mean?
*I've heard about the "Rush Backstage Club." What is it, and how do I join?
*What other Rush newsletters are there?
*Who says <phrase> in <song>?
*What is the marital status of the band members?
*Do any of the band members have kids?
*I've heard <rumor> about <band member>. Does anybody know anything about
the truth of it?
*I've seen <nickname> being used. Who does it refer to?
*What is the educational background of <band member>?
*What are the birthdays of the band members?
*But in "Thrice Told Tales," it says that Geddy's birthday is June 29!
*What are the real names of the band members?
*What equipment does <band member> use/endorse?
*How is "Peart" pronounced?
*Does anybody have an address I can use to write to the band?
*What's the story behind Alex's "Hentor Sportscaster" guitar?
*What is The Omega Concern?
*Where did the name "Rush" come from?
*Why did John Rutsey leave the band?
*Whatever happened to John Rutsey?
*Questions about _Fly By Night_
*Where did By-Tor's name come from?
*What is The Sign of Eth?
*Is Rivendell a real place?
*Questions about _Caress Of Steel_
*In "By-Tor And The Snow Dog" By-Tor is the bad guy, but he's a hero in "The Necromancer." What happened?
*Where is Lakeside Park?
*What is the significance of May 24?
*Has anybody noticed that "Didacts and Narpets" is an anagram for "Addicts
and Parents"?
*Does anybody know the lyrics to "Didacts and Narpets"?
*In the COS liner notes, a city is mentioned in small print after each
song. Why is this?
*What does "Terminat hora diem, terminat auctor opus" mean?
*Questions about _2112_
*Has anybody noticed that you can hear part of the 1812 Overture in 2112?
*Where did the story of _2112_ come from?
*Has anybody noticed the whispering in the background in "The Twilight Zone"?
*Questions about _All The World's A Stage_
*What do the voices at the end of the album (vinyl only) say?
*Questions about _A Farewell To Kings_
*What is "Cinderella Man" about?
*I read that "Xanadu" was based on a famous poem. Does anybody have a copy?
*Where does the name Cygnus X-1 come from?
*Where does the name Rocinante come from?
*Questions about _Hemispheres_
*What do the French lyrics in "Circumstances" mean?
*Is there a message in "The Trees"?
*What does "La Villa Strangiato" mean?
*Where do the different parts of "La Villa Strangiato" start/end?

FAQ 4 Contains...

*Questions about _Permanent Waves_
*Has anybody ever noticed that the signs on the right side of the _Permanent
Waves_ cover say Lee, Lifeson and Peart?
*Why was the headline on the newspaper on the cover of _Permanent Waves_ blocked out? (Note: The Anthem Canadian release does not have this problem.)
*What is the "words of the profits" quote in "The Spirit Of Radio" about?
*What is "Free Will" about?
*In "Free Will" which lyrics are correct (the ones on the album sleeve or the ones Geddy sings)?
*But I'm *sure* that what the lyric sheet says isn't what Geddy sings!
*Where is "Lotus-Land?"
*I heard something about a song called "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight." Apparently it was supposed to be on _Permanent Waves_, but was dropped. Is there a way to get a tape of it?
*Questions about _Moving Pictures_
*What building is on the cover of _Moving Pictures_?
*What do the pictures on the MP cover mean?
*What is "Tom Sawyer" about?
*My _Moving Pictures_ CD is missing the first half second or so from "Tom Sawyer." Can I get a new one?
*My _Moving Pictures_ CD contains pictures of Geddy and Alex, but not Neil. Why is this? Can I get a CD with all 3 pictures?
*Who is Pye Dubois?
*What is a barchetta?
*Where can I get a copy of "A Nice Morning Drive," by Richard S. Foster?
*What does "YYZ" mean?
*How does Neil play plywood?
*At 8:54 and 8:56 in "The Camera Eye," there are some mumblings that I can't quite make out. Does anybody know for sure what is being said?
(These mumblings are at 8:55 and 8:57 in the MFSL gold pressing of
_Moving Pictures_.)
*What is the mob saying at the beginning of "Witch Hunt"?
*What is that thing on Neil's chest in the "Vital Signs" video?
*Has anybody noticed that Geddy says "Everybody got to evelate from the norm" at the end of "Vital Signs"?
*Questions about _Exit ... Stage Left_
*Has anybody noticed that the ESL cover photo contains stuff from all of
the band's previous studio albums?
*What does Geddy say just before "Jacob's Ladder" on ESL?
*Who is T.C. Broonsie?
*Questions about _Signals_
*What is the _Signals_ cover supposed to mean?
*Who is the writer in "Losing It" about?
*Who are Young and Crippen?
*What are the voices at the end of "Countdown" saying?
*Questions about _Grace Under Pressure_
*Is that crackling noise about 10-20 seconds into "Distant Early Warning" on the _Grace Under Pressure_ CD supposed to be there, or is my copy defective?
*Who was Absalom?
*Who is the boy in the "Distant Early Warning" video?
*Is "Afterimage" about anybody in particular?
*What is "Red Sector A" about?
*What songs make up the "Fear" trilogy?
*Has this trilogy ever been performed live?
*Why do the songs appear in reverse order?
*What is the significance of 1001001 in "The Body Electric?"
*Questions about _Grace Under Pressure Tour_ video
*Who is Count Floyd?
*Questions about _Power Windows_
*Has anybody noticed that _Power Windows_ is "brought to you by the letter M"?
*Why is _Power Windows_ brought to us by the letter M?
*Questions about _Hold Your Fire_
*What do the three spheres on the _Hold Your Fire_ cover represent?
*How many Rush symbols are there in the _Hold Your Fire_ inside photo?
*How did Pye Dubois come to be involved with "Force Ten"? What does the title of that song mean?
*Has Aimee Mann ever appeared live with Rush? How are her vocals in "Time Stand Still" reproduced live?
*What film are the clips in the "Lock And Key" video and the _A Show Of Hands_ laserdisc, just before "Lock And Key," from?
*What is "Tai Shan" about?

FAQ 5 Contains...

*Questions about _A Show Of Hands_
*What does Geddy have sitting on his keyboards in the _A Show Of Hands_ video?
*What is the round thing on Alex's guitar in the _A Show Of Hands_ video?
*What is happening during the "censored" section of the _A Show Of Hands_ video?
*In the _A Show Of Hands_ video, does Geddy really say "Catch the fish?"
*In the _A Show Of Hands_ video, has anybody noticed that Alex's guitar keeps changing?
*Questions about _Presto_
*What are the hands in the "Presto" liner doing?
*What is "Chain Lightning" about?
*What is "The Pass" about?
*What is "Scars" about?
*What is the song "Anagram (for Mongo)" about?
*Has anybody noticed that "Anagram (for Mongo)" contains lots of anagrams?
*What does (for Mongo) after "Anagram" on the "Presto" album mean?
*What is "Red Tide" about?
*Questions about _Roll The Bones_
*Who does the RTB spoken "rap" section?
*Who is the boy in the RTB video and on the RTB cover?
*Is there a "Gangster of Boats" trilogy?
*But why is "Where's My Thing" labeled as Part IV of the trilogy?
*Is there a reason for the arrangement of the numbers on the dice on the RTB cover?
*Has anybody noticed that the "Gangster of Boats" is mentioned in the HYF
liner notes?
*What does the pattern of skulls and bones at the bottom of the inside front cover of the RTB tourbook mean? Is there a pattern to it?
*Questions about _Counterparts_
*Is there any connection between "Where's My Thing" and "Leave That Thing Alone?"

Intro to the FAQs* | FAQ1 | FAQ2 | FAQ3 | FAQ4 | FAQ5

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