Has anybody ever noticed that the band has put out a live album after every
4 studio albums?


Are any videotapes of the band available?

Polygram Music Video 60285 (1981) Exit...Stage Left
Shot at The Forum, Montreal, Quebec
March 27, 1981
Running time: approx. 60 minutes
includes: Limelight
Tom Sawyer
The Trees
Red Barchetta
Free Will
Closer To The Heart
YYZ (with voice over)
By-Tor and the Snow Dog/In The End/In The Mood/2112 Finale

PMV 60607 (1986) Grace Under Pressure Tour
Shot at Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Canada
September 21, 1984
Running time: approx. 69 minutes
includes: The Spirit Of Radio
The Enemy Within
The Weapon
Witch Hunt
New World Man
Distant Early Warning
Red Sector A
Closer To The Heart
YYZ/2112: Temples of Syrinx/Tom Sawyer
Vital Signs/Finding My Way/In The Mood
The Big Money {video}
The video for "The Big Money" is omitted from the European release
of this tape.

PMV 0741 760-3 (1989) A Show Of Hands
Shot over a 3-night stand at the National Exhibition Centre,
Birmingham, England
April 21,23, and 24, 1988
Running time: approx. 90 minutes
includes: The Big Money
Turn The Page
Prime Mover
Manhattan Project
Closer To The Heart
Red Sector A
Force Ten
Lock And Key (laserdisc only)
The Rhythm Method (drum solo)
The Spirit Of Radio
Tom Sawyer
2112/La Villa Strangiato/In The Mood

PMV 60466 (1985) Through The Camera Eye (video compilation)
Running time: approx. 44 minutes
includes: Vital Signs
Tom Sawyer [live, from Exit...Stage Left]
Distant Early Warning
The Enemy Within
The Body Electric
PMV 082 765-3 (1990) Chronicles (video compilation)
Running time: approx. 63 minutes
includes: Closer To The Heart [live]
The Trees [live]
Limelight [studio]
Tom Sawyer [live, from ESL with some minor changes]
Red Barchetta [live, from ESL]
Subdivisions [from _Through The Camera Eye_]
Distant Early Warning [from _Through The Camera Eye_]
Red Sector A [live, from the p/g tour video]
The Big Money [the shortened MTV version, not the complete one
from the GUP tour video]
Mystic Rhythms
Time Stand Still
Lock And Key

Are these tapes available on laserdisc?

According to the Barr Digital (a Seattle-based mail-order dealer in
laserdiscs) database, available for FTP from cs.yale.edu in the
pub/rec.video/BarrLDDB directory, there are laserdiscs for
_Through The Camera Eye_, _Exit...Stage Left_, _Grace Under Pressure
Tour_, _A Show of Hands_, and the video single for _The Big Money_.
The database also says that _Exit...Stage Left_ was "discontinued 8/91."
This does not imply that Barr has them in stock; this database is
not Barr's inventory. It is only a list of laserdiscs that have been
made. The file that I FTP'd from cs.yale.edu had a Feb 26 1992
time/date stamp, so I assume that this information is accurate as of
that date.

According to meg@syrinx.umd.edu, _Chronicles_ is available on
laserdisc in the US. However, "Red Sector A" isn't on this

What songs has the band made videos for?

Fly By Night
A Farewell To Kings
Closer To The Heart %
The Trees %
La Villa Strangiato
Tom Sawyer
Tom Sawyer [live, from ESL] %#
Red Barchetta [live, from ESL] %
Limelight %
Limelight [live, from ESL]
Vital Signs #
Subdivisions %#
Countdown #
Distant Early Warning %#
Afterimage #
The Enemy Within #
The Body Electric #
The Big Money %&
Mystic Rhythms %
Marathon [live, from ASOH]
Time Stand Still %
Lock And Key %
Show Don't Tell
The Pass
Roll The Bones
Stick It Out

% These videos appear on the _Chronicles_ videotape.
# These videos appear on the _Through The Camera Eye_ videotape.
& This video appears in its complete form on the end of the
_Grace Under Pressure Tour_ videotape. The shortened MTV version
appears on the _Chronicles_ videotape.

Videos with no punctuation symbol next to them are not available on
any home video compilation. If you want to see these videos, you
have to find somebody who taped them from TV or copied them from
somebody else's tape.

Videos with the "live" comment are concert videos; all others have
studio soundtracks. Some of these have minor edits to the soundtrack.
Can anyone list everything else that the members of Rush have ever appeared

"Universal Juveniles" by Max Webster (Rush in "Battlescar")
1980 (ANR-1-1027 Anthem)

"No Static" by Wireless (Lee produced)

"Great White North" by Bob and Doug McKenzie (Geddy singing "Take Off")
1981 (ANR-1-1036 Anthem)

"Vignettes" by Marie Lynn Hammond (Lee on 2 tracks)
1983 (BTR 1002 Black Tie Records)

"Boys Brigade" by Boys Brigade (Lee produced)
1983 (ST 12278 Capitol)

"We Are the World" by USA for Africa with Lee in Northern Lights singing
"Tears are Not Enough"
1985 (40043 Columbia)

"Alien Shores" by Platinum Blonde (Alex on 2 tracks)
1985 (PCC-80105 Columbia)

"Champion" by Jeff Berlin (Peart on 2 tracks)
1985 (Passport Jazz PJ 88004 A)

"Beyond Borders" by Canadian Guitar Summit (with Alex)
July 1987 _Guitar Player_ magazine (flexidisc)

"Pieces of Eight" (Peart percussion compilation)
May 1987 _Modern Drummer_ magazine (flexidisc)

"Serious Business" by Greenway (Alex doing solo in "In the Danger Zone")
1988 (81827-1 Atlantic)

"Clean Slate" by Clean Slate (Alex produced)
1988 (ANM-1 5002 Anthem) (5 song EP)

"Dream on the Horizon: A Tribute to the Olympic Spirit" by
The Big Picture (Alex on 2 tracks)
1988 (WSC-331 Chartwell Records)

"Smoke on the Water" (Mega-Rock Re-Mix)/Paranoid, by Rock Aid Armenia and
Black Sabbath (Alex on guitar)
1989 UK ARMENT 001, ARMENTR 002, ARMENT 002

"Lost Brotherhood" by Larry Gowan (Alex on all tracks)
1990 (80160 Anthem)

"Whale Music" by the Rheostatics (Neil on 3 tracks)
1992 (Intrepid Records, available in Canada)
Call 1-800-663-1616 for info.


"Star Jam Series: Neil Peart Style"

"Starlicks Guitar Lesson: Alex Lifeson Style"

In the January 1986 issue of _Modern Drummer_ magazine, while discussing
his appearance on the Jeff Berlin album, Neil says that he "... did a
similar thing with a musician named Ken Ramm in Toronto. That record
was released in Canada."


"1991 Buddy Rich Memorial Scholarship Concert" (Neil on a few songs)
DCI Music Video

What was the first single released by the band?

The A side was a cover of a Buddy Holly song called "Not Fade Away."
The B side was a Lee/Rutsey song called "You Can't Fight It."
These songs are not on any Rush albums. If you want to hear them,
you have to track down a copy of the single, which is very rare, or
find somebody who has the songs on tape. There is no collection
for sale that contains these tracks.

I just bought the CD of <Exit...Stage Left | All The World's A Stage> and
it's missing a track! Is a complete version of this CD available?

No. But if you absolutely have to have everything on CD, the 2 missing
tracks are on _Chronicles_.

When the band plays live, do they use any additional musicians to play
backup parts?


The following excerpt is from the Geddy Lee interview in the October
1991 issue of _Canadian Musician_ magazine:
( CM = the _Canadian Musician_ interviewer, GL = Geddy Lee )

CM: It seems like you're making it very difficult for yourselves when
it could be done a lot easier. You say it's an unwritten rule in the
band, but...

GL: Yeah. It could be a lot easier with another person. And I don't
know why... We talked... Before the last tour we had very serious
talks about adding another member.

CM: Just for the tour?

GL: Just for the tour, yeah - not in the band. But we came to the
conclusion that our fans would rather see us use technology to try to
pull it off than have somebody else on the stage. And I really think
that that was the main reason why we opted to try to do it ourselves.
We figured that people who have been coming to see us for 15 years
would rather see us up there fighting our way through the show
than hiring somebody else. We figured that technology was a more
acceptable answer than not being a three-piece.

What is "Battlescar"/Max Webster? Who plays on it? What is the
number for the _Universal Juveniles_ CD? Where can I write to get it?

Max Webster is a Canadian band that used to open for Rush. "Battlescar"
is a song from their _Universal Juveniles_ CD that was done as a duet
of the 2 bands.

Max Webster - _Universal Juveniles_ 1980
Mercury SRM-1-3855 [6337 144]
Distributed by Polygram Distribution, Inc.
810 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10019

The Anthem Entertainment Group Inc.
189 Carlton Street
Toronto, Canada
M5A 2K7
Tel: (416) 923-5855
Fax: (416) 923-1041

One more note: "Battlescar" has a subscript: "recorded live July 28th,
1980 Phase One Studios -Toronto-".

Have any books been written about the band?

_Rush - Visions: The Official Biography_ (c) 1988
By Bill Banasiewicz (The B-Man)
ISBN: 0-7119-1162-2 94 pages
From: Omnibus Press
Distributor: Music Sales Corporation
Order number: 44387

Music Sales Corporation
PO Box 572
5 Bellvale Road
Chester, NY 10918
Telephone: (914)469-2271

Thanks to Charles Estabrooks (cre@imagesys.com) for verifying that
address. He also says that if anybody wants to contact them directly
about the book, they should call that number and ask for Kim.

_Success Under Pressure_ (c) 1984
By Steve Gett
ISBN: 0-89524-230-3 48 pages
From: Cherry Lane Books
110 Midland Avenue
Port Chester, NY 10573

_Rush_ (c)1982
By Brian Harrigan
ISBN: 0-86001-934-9 80 pages
The Putnam Publishing Group
200 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016

Ethan Evan Prater wrote to the company about this book and was informed
that the book is out of print, and there are no plans for a reprint.

I heard that Neil Peart was going to publish some of his writings. Has
this been done? Can I buy this book?

David Goulden (david.goulden@canrem.com) sent me info about a book he
read by Neil. Here's the info he sent me:

Title: Raindance Over the Rockies
Author: Neil Peart
Date: 1988
Publisher: The Cumberland Press (Toronto)

Apparently, The Cumberland Press only does the printing. Once they
print the book, it is up to the author to distribute it. What this
means is that Neil is the person to contact if you want to buy this

Other than this, I've never heard of Neil publishing anything.

I heard something about a Rush comic book. What comic book was it?

That was Defenders #45. It was dedicated to Geddy, Alex, and Neil of
Rush on the first page. The story has an anti-collectivist theme to it.
Since it was printed March 77 it makes sense that it would draw from
_2112_ (however vaguely).

The villain (Red Rajah) says, at one point, "Truth is false and logic
lost, seek the Rajah at all cost."

There is also a comic bio of the band from Rock & Roll Comics, issue
#49. It basically tells the history of the band from its beginnings
to "Roll The Bones."

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