YTSEJAM Digest 7065 Today's Topics: 1) Also selling off my Dream Theater cds by "Kevin Villines" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 11:00:42 -0600 From: "Kevin Villines" To: Subject: Also selling off my Dream Theater cds Message-ID: <002c01c4f27e$ee0fcaf0$1a02a8c0@Kevin> charset="Windows-1252" I saw that the last jam had a delurker looking to move some cds. I've been contemplating selling off the rather vast collection of Dream Theater cds I have (due to financial reasons as well as them just gathering dust) but pretty much all of them wouldn't last a day on ebay (if you know what I mean). Anyway, I've got a bunch of live silver discs and some promos that I would like to move for basically what I paid for them, so I'm going offer them up to the ytsejammers instead of listing them on ebay (Basically, I bought a bunch of these in the past, but haven't really listened to them in years and just want to free up some space in the house and get some money to offset the holiday spending). If you have any wants, e-mail me with what you are looking for and a price you'd offer or if you want a list (which I'll be putting together over the next few days), e-mail me at email_address_removed . I pretty much have a lot of earlier stuff and mostly just 1 of each, so it will be a first come first serve basis (I'd prefer to deal with Paypal users for a quicker/easier transaction). Back to lurking, Kevin. PS - I also have a lot of these from other artists, so if your looking for a different group/artists as well, let me know and I'll see if I can help. ---YTSEJAM FILTER: Rest of message skipped because of attachment ------------------------------ End of YTSEJAM Digest 7065 ************************** === Contributions to ytsejam: === === Send requests to: === === More information at: === === Brought by the ghost of ytsejam@arastar.coms past === === Reach the owner of this list at: ===