YTSEJAM Digest 3437 Today's Topics: 1) =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCMytJdRsoSjogQml0Y2hpbmcgYW5kIG1vcmUuLi4uGyhK?= by Koji Oishi 2) Finally! The Votes Are In And Counted For! by "Syrinx" 3) Yikes... by Adam 4) Pot Theater by Jon Dery 5) Selling out :) by "Kevin Villines" 6) Re: DT vocals by Adam 7) first DT experience by "Brian P. Kelley" 8) singles from FII by Arash Ashouriha 9) Re: DT vocals by Rogerio Brito 10) Reviews: Vanden Plas: The God Thing and The Quiet Room: Introspect by "Adam Cook" 11) KJLB's vox/"FYS"/what not by Brian Larkin 12) New T-shirt? by Michael Kizer 13) Re: re : Tangerine Dream Fire away by Carol Dellinger 14) Re: YTSEJAM digest 3436 by "Dale R. Newberry" 15) Re: Pot Theater Fire It UP! by Carol Dellinger ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 19:15:57 +0900 From: Koji Oishi To: "'email_address_removed'" Subject: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCMytJdRsoSjogQml0Y2hpbmcgYW5kIG1vcmUuLi4uGyhK?= Message-ID: ------ =_NextPart_000_01BD1E37.A0DCC760 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit ------ =_NextPart_000_01BD1E37.A0DCC760 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+Ih4RAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAApAMAAAAAAACnAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG AAABAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADACAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAADsAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAAB5dHNlamFtQGF4LmNvbQBTTVRQAHl0c2VqYW1AYXguY29tAAAeAAIwAQAAAAUAAABT TVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAADwAAAHl0c2VqYW1AYXguY29tAAADABUMAQAAAAMA/g8GAAAAHgABMAEA AAARAAAAJ3l0c2VqYW1AYXguY29tJwAAAAACAQswAQAAABQAAABTTVRQOllUU0VKQU1AQVguQ09N AAMAADkAAAAACwBAOgEAAAACAfYPAQAAAAQAAAAAAAAC2CkBCIAHACAAAABJUE0uTWljcm9zb2Z0 IE1haWwuUmVhZCBSZWNlaXB0AAMLAQqAAQAhAAAANjc3REQ1NDYwNzg4RDExMUI3RjgwMDIwNzgx MTRFNDYA5gYBBIABABwAAACKSpWVOiBCaXRjaGluZyBhbmQgbW9yZS4uLi4AXgkBBYADAA4AAADO BwEACgATAA8AOQAGAEEBASCAAwAOAAAAzgcBAAoAEwAPADkABgBBAQEJgAEAIQAAAEM3MTRDNzUz RUY4OUQxMTE4RDNCNDQ0NTUzNTQwMDAwAOcGAQOQBgAMAwAAGAAAAAsAIwAAAAAAAwAmAAAAAAAL ACkAAAAAAAIBMQABAAAAxwAAAFBDREZFQjA5AAEAAgBMAAAAAAAAADihuxAF5RAaobsIACsqVsIA AE1TUFNULkRMTAAAAAAATklUQfm/uAEAqgA32W4AAABDOlxXSU5ET1dTXG1haWxib3gucHN0ABgA AAAAAAAAC/gW+ify0BGIOgBABSVoFKKAAAAAAAAAGAAAAAAAAAAL+Bb6J/LQEYg6AEAFJWgUwoAA ABAAAABnfdVGB4jREbf4ACB4EU5GFgAAAEJpdGNoaW5nIGFuZCBtb3JlLi4uLgAAQAAyAKDNtb2w Hb0BAwA2AAAAAABAADkAQL7PvbAdvQECAUMAAQAAADsAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDdAQ9UAgAA AAB5dHNlamFtQGF4LmNvbQBTTVRQAHl0c2VqYW1AYXguY29tAAAeAEQAAQAAAA8AAAB5dHNlamFt QGF4LmNvbQAAHgBJAAEAAAAWAAAAQml0Y2hpbmcgYW5kIG1vcmUuLi4uAAAAAgFMAAEAAAA7AAAA AAAAAIErH6S+oxAZnW4A3QEPVAIAAAAAeXRzZWphbUBheC5jb20AU01UUAB5dHNlamFtQGF4LmNv bQAAHgBNAAEAAAAPAAAAeXRzZWphbUBheC5jb20AAEAATgBg51lAfxy9AUAAVQCAeCnXyxy9AR4A cAABAAAAFgAAAEJpdGNoaW5nIGFuZCBtb3JlLi4uLgAAAAIBcQABAAAAFgAAAAG9HH9ASUbVfWiI BxHRt/gAIHgRTkYAAB4AdAABAAAAEQAAACd5dHNlamFtQGF4LmNvbScAAAAACwAIDAAAAAAeAB4M AQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AHwwBAAAAGwAAAG1rLW9pc2hpQG14ai5tZXNobmV0Lm9yLmpwAAAe AAEQAQAAABIAAADSr76wvN6CzIpKlZWT+o6eOgAAAEAABzCALK69sB29AUAACDCALK69sB29AR4A PQABAAAABwAAAIpKlZU6IAAAZLc= ------ =_NextPart_000_01BD1E37.A0DCC760-- ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 12:37:00 -0500 From: "Syrinx" To: "A Ytse Besides Itself" Subject: Finally! The Votes Are In And Counted For! Message-ID: <01bd1dee$5b094cc0$2edfcdcf@w-ostrich-1> Hiya, everyone! After many an email by everyone, the tallies for the 1997 Ytsejam Favorite Album contest is officialy over! I want to thank everyone who took the time to email me your five favorite CD's. Remember - the TOTAL list will, once again, be on the Under A Cyber Moon website (located at ) so check it out! Anyway, the top 5 of 1997 are.... Dream Theater Falling Into Infinity - 332 votes! Fates Warning A Pleasant Shade Of Gray - 186 votes Megadeth Cryptic Writings - 42 votes Marillion This Strange Engine - 34 votes Enchant Wounded - 29 votes as you can tell, dt and fw really cleaned up house! :) Here's how the voting went: for every 1st place vote, 5 votes were placed. for every 2nd place vote, 4 votes were placed. for evert 3rd place vote, 3 votes were placed. for every 4th place vote, 2 votes were placed. for evert 5th place vote, 1 vote was placed. Remember to check Under A Cyber Moon for the full list! See ya in 1998! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- e-mail: email_address_removed / email_address_removed erotomania! = offical lemur voice hompages: maintainer of the genesis frequently asked questions list: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 12:58:16 -0500 From: Adam To: email_address_removed Subject: Yikes... Message-ID: >By the way, James smokes!! I met him once in Amsterdam (the day of the >MELKWEG concert) in Amsterdam in..... a " cofffeeshop". I really wish you hadn't said this. Now I know there's gonna be yet another year long drug/pot/etc thread possibly intertwined with yet another James bashing thread. My only response to this post is to leave James alone. If he wants to smoke up where it's legal, more power to him. If he wants to smoke up where it's NOT legal, more power to him. It makes him no more or no less of a person and no less a great singer. Now, if we can just kill the guy who started yet ANOTHER "My First DT Experience" thread. We're gonna start having to put all 2000 Jammers' personal stories in the FAQ so everyone will shut the hell up... Jeeze... :) ---------------------------------------- Adam Pye email_address_removed ^^ Above URL for tapelist w/ setlists... ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 13:01:41 -0500 From: Jon Dery To: email_address_removed Subject: Pot Theater Message-ID: > By the way, James smokes!! I met him once in Amsterdam (the day of the > MELKWEG concert) in Amsterdam in..... a " cofffeeshop". Does anyone else have a hard time picturing James firing up a joint?!! (For those who don't know, the "coffeeshop" he is refering to is actually a bar that sells marijuana. From what I've heard, this is legal in Amsterdam.) It's kind of wierd because I just read the Keyboard Magazine interview with Derek and he said the beginning of LITS reminds him of sitting in his room and smoking a bong. I guess that explains the intro/outro to TOT as well! It doesn't really bother me (as long as it doesn't ruin their live performances), but I just always expected them to be very straight individuals. I'm just curious as to other jammers feel about this. Peace :), Jon Dery ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 12:05:47 -0600 From: "Kevin Villines" To: Subject: Selling out :) Message-ID: Anyone notice how poorly the sales are for the "Sell Out" artists as of late. If the key word in sell out is "Sell", why aren't they. Enuff Z' Nuff is one of my favorite groups and no matter what they due until they break up (i.e.-Originality, sell-out, put out the greatest album of all time), they will never sell a lot of albums, so can they really be considered "Sell-Outs", when they can't even sell their albums? Just some food for thought! ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 13:04:04 -0500 From: Adam To: email_address_removed Subject: Re: DT vocals Message-ID: >Yes, it seem like a lot of people don't like JLB's voice. And come to think >of it, I didn't either when I first started listening to DT. But is >seriously grows on you and now I just love it. Even though it could have >been better on FII. He really should use his vibrato, because without he >sounds too weak. With it he sounds spectacular. I agree 100% with you here. Being a vocalist myself, the thing that really struck me about James on I&W, Awake, LATM, and many bootlegs has been his incredible vibrato. Always precise, unless he's really tired, it's the best I've heard from a male "pop" (as opposed to opera or classical) vocalist. Yes, I know he has opera training. And, conversely, the first thing I noticed about him on FII was the complete lack of vibrato. To me it sounds very unnatural and he seems to end more abruptly on many of his cutoffs in FII than on the other albums or live. I'm sure it was a production decision. That's the biggest reason, IMO, that alot of the FII stuff sounds better live than on the album. He can really put force behind his notes and hold them out in a more natural way. I meant to ask him about this in Atlanta, but was slightly too tipsy to remember all the questions I had for the guys. :) ---------------------------------------- Adam Pye email_address_removed ^^ Above URL for tapelist w/ setlists... ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 13:31:14 -0500 From: "Brian P. Kelley" To: email_address_removed Subject: first DT experience Message-ID: I would say that my first DT experience was in late '92 or so when I was attending art school in Savannah, GA. This girl I was dating at the time had a big outdoor "garden party" (to borrow from Marillion ;) one night. She had the speakers outside the windows blasting I&W. I heard PMU and Another Day back-to-back and was thinking "This couldn't be the same band!", especially with the saxophone at the end of AD. I thought she had the CD player on random disc selection or something, but no -- I asked her who it was and she said "Dream Theater". I was only able to hear the first few minutes of TTT before neighbors starting complaining about the noise. After that night, for some reason I didn't bring up the DT subject to her. Just thought of it as good "heavy party music" at the time. I was morely into Pink Floyd, King Crimson, and other English "art" rock (being an artist, y'know! :) Fast forward to 1994. I became friends with a fellow golfer who was a bass player and passionately into heavy metal and jazz fusion. We drove around night in his '69 Comet and he proceeded to put I&W in his hot-kickin' CD player. He asked me, "Have you ever heard of DT?" To which I replied, "Uh, yes! I heard it once at an ex-girlfriend's party and have seen PMU on the Headbanger's Ball. Haven't heard it all though!" He was like, "Ohhhh, duuuuude!!! The CD just gets better as it goes along. You'll see!" Though my ears were ringing for days afterward, I was just TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY!!! The double bass drums and guitar especially kicked my ass!! He would say "Check out this upcoming part! Listen! Righhhht.....HERE!!!!" during TTT and Metropolis. My mouth just dropped to the floor!!! HOLY SHIT!!! This was like nothing I had EVER heard before -- it made Queensryche sound like an opening band for Cinderella (no offense, QR fans for I am STILL a QR fan too! :) But on this night, the coveted crown went to DT, shiny jewels and everything! Afterwards I was like, "Dude, you need to let me borrow this CD! I'll buy my own copy as soon as I can afford one!" To which he replied, "Well I normally don't let people borrow my CDs, but in this case I'll make an exception! Just be careful!" Me: "Oh, don't worry man! I'll treat it like a baby!" This was several months before Awake came out, and though he played WDADU one time, it just didn't hold enough water compared to I&W. Once I was initiated into the magical world of DT, I patiently awaited for Awake and bought it the VERY DAY it hit the stores! Took it over to my friend's house and popped it in. Now it was returning the favor! :) With the exception of Innocence Faded, we heard most of every track. He thought it was "alright" but didn't compare to I&W. Awake was definitely different, but I didn't care and went out and bought WDADU and the following year ACOS. And up until recently, DT had not played Atlanta since '93. Every day I would practically pray for DT to come back here! Not only did I see that show, but I also headed up to Jaxx with Cashman and his bud. And I'm looking forward to seeing some mo' shows in '98!!!!!!!! Today, I would consider DT one of my TOP 10 Favorite Bands -- without a question! Not only is their music so heavy and melodic, but there's a lot of special meaning in the songs. TTT is probably one of my favorites and such as in the song, "Find all you need in your mind, if you take the time." That is so true and I try to remind myself that whenever I feel lost in my mission in life. DT has been a major inspiration in my life to this day! Take the time, Brian PS This may sound silly, but for a while, I thought DT was perhaps a "Christian metal band" (ie Stryper -- whom I loved immensly in the mid-80s :) But then I thought "Christian" was too strong a word to use and only certain songs had those spiritual sounding lyrics, like "Night awaits the lamb's arrival" in UAGM. I still believe they're a very positive metal band who vividly express the highs and lows of "learning to live". As long as they hold true to their music and fans, I will be an eternal DT fan! :) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 19:37:43 -0800 From: Arash Ashouriha To: email_address_removed Subject: singles from FII Message-ID: Hi Someone has asked about the singles which has been released from FII so far. Here we go : Metal Sampler (Promo CD including Burning My Soul, You Not Me and Peruvien Skies) Burning My Soul (3 track Radio promo CD) Burning My Soul (Picture sleeve promo CD including an audio biography) Hollow Years (German 2 track promo CD) Hollow Years (4 track single inc Yor Or Me (demo) and The Way It Used To Be) You Not Me (US 2 track promo CD) Coming soon : Hollow Years (5 track Japan only maxi CD) I will put this information and all ID nummbers from the Promo CD's on my page very soon. Arash -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | PROG OR DIE - The Progressive Music Page | | | | DREAM THEATER - FATES WARNING - ROYAL HUNT - SHADOW GALLERY | | | | | | OR | | | | | | by Arash Ashouriha | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 16:35:28 -0200 (EDT) From: Rogerio Brito To: Multiple recipients of list Subject: Re: DT vocals Message-ID: On Sat, 10 Jan 1998, Niklas Thorpenberg wrote: > Yes, it seem like a lot of people don't like JLB's voice. Intersting. His voice was the main reason why I got into Dream Theater (never cared about "how good their guitar player is" or things like that, because I know nothing about music theory nor performance, but, of course, can appreciate good vocals). []s, Roger... -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rogerio Brito - - Undergraduate Computer Science Student - "Windows? Linux and X!" Bootleg/trade page: "Life is ours, we live it our way (...) / And nothing else matters" James Hetfield (Metallica), Nothing Else Matters =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 13:45:01 -0500 From: "Adam Cook" To: Subject: Reviews: Vanden Plas: The God Thing and The Quiet Room: Introspect Message-ID: Hey guys, These are two new prog metal bands that haven't gotten much attention on the jam yet but I've been seeing lots of talk about on the Perpetual Motion progmetal board. Believe me, these are definitely two bands worthy of attention. I placed a super-order of 7 cds from Laser's Edge recently and these are the two that stand out as the most DT like. No review means anything without a reference point to see where the reviewer's taste lies, so here are a few of my 10 out of a scale of 10 prog metal discs....I&W, APSoG, Angra's Holy Land, and Superior's Behind. First up is Vanden Plas. I hadn't heard much about them until I found an MP3 of the tune The Rainmaker somewhere a while back. It surprised me to find out this was from the band's second release since I had never heard of them previously, but then I found out that their first release was straightforward power metal with little or no prog involved so it didn't get much attention. I heard that the musicianship and every aspect of this German band's sound increased immensely upon the release of their second disc, "The God Thing" and the band was now a legitamite progmetal act. Considering all the bands out there these days that call themselves progressive when they're really not I was a bit weary, but fortunately when I received the disc I was not dissapointed. The first thing that hits you when you pop in this disc is a great atmospheric instrumental. Not too much shredding (that will come later) but layers of piano and synth combined with interesting chord voicings on the guitar (I get sick of metal bands that just chug away on power chords) make this a great tune. A perfect lead-in for The Rainmaker, probably the highlight of the album. I think any DT fan will like this song, I don't see how they couldn't, It has all the right elements of a killer tune. One thing that seems to drag a lot of progmetal bands down these days is a singer who tries to hard (Ivanhoe anyone?). This guy reminds me of a cross between Andre Matos and John Arch, although in a good way. He kind of has that nasally Arch tone and his voice is definitely high like these two singers, so anybody who doesn't like those types of vocals might have trouble getting into this guy. I find his voice to be pleasing when he doesn't get too nasally. All the other instruments are top notch as well as the production. A good album should have a good atmosphere to it, and this has it. There aren't any real long instrumental sections like DT, but the basic DT influence is apparent. I'd have to give this cd a 9 out of 10 just because I don't think all the songs are up to their potential as songwriters. A few more tunes like The Rainmaker and this would be a 10... The Quiet Room is a Colorado six-piece. They have dual guitars as well as keyboards, so their sound is naturally going to be a little heavier. However, the comparisons to DT shouldn't be made here, it should be comparisons to FW. The vocalist is practically a deadringer for Ray Alder from his Perfect Symmetry days except TQR vocalist (wisely) doesn't reach the incredibly high peaks that Alder did from those days, something that many have been critical of on Alder's PS performance. Again, all these guys can play and there isn't too much wanking or attempts to sound like DT (Altura anyone?). The real question though, as always, is can these guys write tunes? Definitely yes. However, I'd like to see the band expand a bit more on their obvious potential. They have the usual heavy tunes and a couple lighter tunes. . They do get a really nice clean sound when the guitars are playing clean and this gives more room for the keys to experiment. I think they should do this more, or maybe even some more parts where one of the guitars is distorted and one of the guitars is clean since this seems to be the only element they left out from the FW formula. It's a great album for any FW or DT fan, but since it's only 45 mins long and none of the tracks are above 6 mins or so, the band doesn't stretch out of their usual form too much. To me, that's what makes a progmetal album a 10 out of 10, and that's why I'll give this one another 9. I think the cool thing about these two bands is they're just going to get better. There's no wanking just for the sake of wanking, these bands write coherant songs and are damn good at it. Too many bands these days try to stretch the genre to the extremes by playing the fastest or the longest tunes instead of just writing good tunes. These are two bands that have all their technical chops handy and use them for the song instead of vice versa. If I don't get flamed for posting my reviews since they're not DTC or if anybody actually wants me to post more I'll procede to send in my opinions of the other new prog cds I got...thanks for listening. Adam ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 14:10:10 -0500 From: Brian Larkin To: email_address_removed Subject: KJLB's vox/"FYS"/what not Message-ID: Hey everyone. I'm already falling behind w/my jam reading . . . just figured I'd post in response to a few threads/posts I have read. James' voice is amazing. It did, however, take a while to grow on me. That was the ONE thing that kept me from listening to Awake more than I did during the first few months I had it. In fact, I've been practicing my own vox more lately, and my style is very similar! Those ppl who might cringe at the sound of KJLB hitting a high note (which I did the first time I heard IF) must not understand the rush of emotion and energy he probably experiences when he does that. (And if DT's music moves him the way it moves me, then he must.) The "Some will transcend spinning years" passages in IF are perfect - the first one soft and restrained, the second one packed with power (from all band members) and those beautiful high vox. As far as vibrato is concerned, it's really about whatever fits the song. Bogie . . . I haven't had time to check out that "FYS" mp3 file yet, but could you tell me basically how I should download the file, since I'm not too familiar w/stuff like that? I'm really anxious to hear it, especially after reading some other ppl's reactions to it. I guess that's all for now. Take care, 'jammrz. cArPe DiEm, bRiAn ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 12:13:36 -0700 From: Michael Kizer To: Ytsejam Subject: New T-shirt? Message-ID: i just saw that at Music Blvd. they are selling a new DT shirt, here's the description: Black Tee; Three Photos/Circle Band Photos Dream Theater $17.99 TSHIRT Released 01/06/98 They don't have a picture though, so I don't know what it looks like. You can check it out at: -- ~Michael Kizer Home Page / AZ Concerts Mailing List - Fates Warning ~ Island In The Stream - Dream Theater "Unofficial" Song Book - ~Sola sapientia est qui me in merda posuit~ ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 11:14:20 -0800 From: Carol Dellinger To: email_address_removed Subject: Re: re : Tangerine Dream Fire away Message-ID: Arash Ashouriha wrote: > > >Jon is right, there are over 40 albums out by TD. I would start with > >Optical Race. That was the first one I heard and I took to it. I'm > >surprised nobody has mentioned them before on this list since I've > >joined. Hell, if we can talk about Metallica on this site, why can't we > >discuss some TD? > > I have mentioned Tangerine Dream a lot. > There where also sometimes in my TOP 10 ALBUMS of the week. > I've also mentioned Jean Michel Jarre a lot. > BTW....some of you may realize that Tangerine Dream has been in the movies. I first heard them on the soundtrack to Risky Business. They had the perfect mood music for the movie. Hmmmm I still have that tape somewhere...guess it's time to give it a nostalgic listen once again. -- Hearts away....... Coldfire email_address_removed ICQ: 4656934 "And all this could be just a dream so it seems, I was never much good at good-bye." ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 13:19:28 +0000 From: "Dale R. Newberry" To: email_address_removed Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 3436 Message-ID: > By "selling out" I mean playing a specific style just to make a profit. > Not to be creative. I'm not trying to join this debate or anything, but, expanding on this statement, I'd say that selling out basically means compromising your artistic integrity with the intention of catering to a specific audience with the hope of financial gain. Dale R. Newberry "Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak." "The best way to save face is to keep the lower part shut." ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 11:25:10 -0800 From: Carol Dellinger To: email_address_removed Subject: Re: Pot Theater Fire It UP! Message-ID: Jon Dery wrote: > > Does anyone else have a hard time picturing James firing up a joint?!! > (For those who don't know, the "coffeeshop" he is refering to is > actually a bar that sells marijuana. From what I've heard, this is > legal in Amsterdam.) > > It doesn't really bother me (as long as it doesn't ruin their live > performances), but I just always expected them to be very straight > individuals. > > I'm just curious as to other jammers feel about this. > > Peace :), > Jon Dery Well as I and let live and to each his own....doesn't bother me as James is a big boy and should know what he is doing by now. But pot smoking can and does cause extra coating on the vocal chords making it hard to hit the high ones....maybe that's why James wears those tight leather pants on stage...extra help to hit those high ones??? -- Hearts away....... Coldfire email_address_removed ICQ: 4656934 "And all this could be just a dream so it seems, I was never much good at good-bye." ------------------------------ End of YTSEJAM Digest 3437 **************************