YTSEJAM Digest 532 Topics covered in this issue include: 1) Re: DT and Q104 by Balkiewicz 2) by the way.... by Balkiewicz 3) Awake Album Cover by email_address_removed ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Topic No. 1 Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 12:16:22 -0500 (EDT) From: Balkiewicz To: email_address_removed Subject: Re: DT and Q104 Message-ID: Wow, great news about Q104.3!!! (For those not in the NY area, its a metal/rock station that I believe premiered Lie in this area - another radio station , Seton-Hall Univ. -based, has just begun to play it..) I guess I better start calling into that place, eh? :) I called Manhattan Center concerning the ticket sales, but as I far as I know, the tickets aren't on sale yet, but should be very soon, prolly at beginning of the month. Another thing is that Ticketbastard will be exclusively seeling the tickets until the night of the show, when Manhattan Center will be selling them at the door (while supplies last, as they say). As for selling out tickets, Manhattan Center is a pretty big place ( I saw DT with Damn the Machine there last year), and I think that they will have tickets available at the door, depending how accepted "Lie" will become....but I'm getting tickets ASAP anyway..... I still haven't heard much from people around the NYC area concerning a pre-show get-together. I guess this area is full of non-socialites :) If anyone is interested, drop me a line thru E-mail or post it here for those lazy people who don't feel like sending messages. :) Later, folx.... email_address_removed Al Balkiewicz email_address_removed vocals, Half Naked ABALKIEW@SITVXC (bitnet) NEXT SHOW: Orpheus, Hoboken, NJ October 2, 1994, 9-ish P.M. ------------------------------ Topic No. 2 Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 12:26:44 -0500 (EDT) From: Balkiewicz To: email_address_removed Subject: by the way.... Message-ID: I know this is non-DT related and all, but I was just wondering if anyone out there has gotten the new Fates Warning album, "Inside Out"? And if you have, throw a coupla comments about it on here in between some flames or something....:) I think that this is most likely the best FW album I have heard and that they have come out's all I listen to nowadays (until 10/4, that is :) A couple of the songs, especially "Monument" and "Down to the Wire", sound very DT-ish, and they've exposed alot more keys on the album as well (no Kevin on this album though).... I recommend it to FW fans who haven't gotten it, and to DT fans whose CD's are worn out from over-playing (if wearing out of CD's is possible, I know its Ytsejammers that would do it!) FW is most likely on the outs once again if they're album sales aren't up to par with the execs, and it would really be a shame to see such talent go... Well, that's my $.02.... Later folx, email_address_removed Al Balkiewicz email_address_removed vocals, Half Naked NEXT SHOW: Orpheus, Hoboken, NJ October 4, 1994 - 9-ish P.M. ------------------------------ Topic No. 3 Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 09:30:52 C From: email_address_removed To: email_address_removed Subject: Awake Album Cover Message-ID: The Awake album cover can be previewed in "Guitar For The Practicing Musician" magazine, for anyone interested... There's an ad on page 30, which proclaims that it's "in stores now"... yeah right... This is the Novemner issue, so Atlantic must have assumed we wouldn't get it until at least Oct. 4 :) There's also a review (though not an accurate one, IMHO) on page 165... only worth checking out because that shows you not just the artwork, but exactly how the cover will appear... be prepared to get out your magnifying glass, though! basic description: "Dream Theater" written across the top in yellow letters, same font as on I&W cover. Right underneath, "AWAKE" in small white letters (centered). Artwork is all black and white, except for a mirror, whose frame is gold and very ornate, and whose reflection is in color. The picture is of some kind of surreal landscape with a city in the background (a... Metropolis?! :) ), and there are clouds in the sky above the city. Above on the left is a clock face (set to "Six O'Clock"), and to the right is a picture of Jupiter ("Space Dye Vest"?). In the foreground, there's a statue, faced just enough away from us so that we can't see its face, just a profile. The stature appears to be in the style of the Greek gods, with short hair and a long beard (which the right hand is holding). In the mirror is the reflection of the left half of the statue's face, but it doesn't look like the statue at all (looks bald to me). In the lower right hand corner is a spider in a web, the web being partially attatched to the mirror. The surface between the statue and the city in the background looks like the waves on a turbulent sea... Well, have fun searching your local magazine stand for this one... there's an interview with Petrucci in the mag as well, but it deal pretty much with guitar stuff, so if you don't play, you might want to just look at the artwork and not buy it... :) ------------------------------ End of YTSEJAM Digest 532 *************************