jcard by dSoft Version 1.1 July 1998 (c) 1998 Christopher R. Merlo d-man@dreamt.org What is jcard? ============== I'm a tape trader. I love getting new material in the mail. But I hate having to decipher someone else's handwriting on the liner (also known as the J-Card) that comes with the cassette. More importantly, the people with whom I trade hate *my* handwriting! For a while, there was a great solution for me. Someone wrote a great program for Micro$oft GUIs called CaseLinr that works great. You type in all the information about a particular tape, hit "Print," and voila! You have a neat, typed, and (most importantly) easy-to-read cassette liner! Thankfully, I soon discovered Linux. I have since been determined never to use another Micro$oft product again -- especially the GUIs masquerading as operating systems. (OK, I still boot into D0S to play Carmageddon. So sue me.) Try as I might, however, I haven't found a Linux version of CaseLinr. So, in the true spirit of the world of Linux, I wrote one. Thank you for downloading jcard. Please send me some e-mail and let me know what you think of it. What's new in Version 1.1? ========================== First of all, this version is compiled. It was written in C, in contrast to Version 1.0, which was written in Perl. Secondly, and most importantly, you can now save and read files with jcard 1.1. How does it work? ================= First, you need the following resources on your system: o LaTeX 2e o dvips, version 5.58f LaTeX and dvips are usually in your path, and can be run simply by typing something as mundane as "latex file.tex". Installing jcard ================ Unzip and untar the tar file. You can do this on most systems by typing: tar xvfz jcard.1.1.tgz If that doesn't work, type gunzip jcard.1.1.tgz | tar xvf Then just type "make", and the executable jcard.1.1 will be created. I suggest you do what I did, and link this executable to something easier to type, like "jcard" (ln -s jcard.1.1 jcard). Running jcard ============= Simply type "jcard.1.1" (or whatever name you linked the executable to) and press enter. You will be prompted to type in what you have to, and then jcard will create a PostScript file that you can print out, fold around the liner that came with your cassette, and show off to your friends and parents. If you would like to run jcard with a pre-existing data file, type: jcard.1.1 filename.jcard substituting the name of the .jcard file that you would like to use. Comments? Suggestions? ======================= If you like jcard, please let me know. I love warm, fuzzy e-mail. If there is anything about jcard that you don't like, please do one of the following: o Send me e-mail, so that I know what to work on for version 2. o Change it! It's just C. Thanks ====== Rogerio Brito, for inspiring me to write this program, and you, for using jcard. Copyright ========= This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass. Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.